Thursday, June 3, 2010

Endangered Species

Humans are causing many animals to become endangered or extinct, due to green house gas emissions, and polluting the earth. We do not own this planet, we share it with many other animal species. We cannot do this we are so selfish. Here is a list of some endangered or extinct species:

  1. African Elephant

  2. African Rhinos

  3. Asian Elephant

  4. Amur Leopard

  5. Asian Rhinos

  6. Bonobo

  7. Chimpanzees

  8. Giant Panda

  9. Gorillas

  10. Marine Turtles

  11. Orangutan

  12. Polar Bear

  13. River Dolphins

  14. Tigers

  15. Tree Kangaroos

  16. Whales and Dolphins

  17. Vaquita

These are some of the more endangered species, click on the name to find out more about them and how you can help.

By: Emily Newton

Thursday, May 27, 2010

F Is For The Future

Every time I see that telus commercial It tells me that the future is friendly, but i think to my self that that is wrong. In my mind the future is going to be a dark grubby place with gray smog covering the sky. No air to breath and defiantly no wild life. By that time the trees will be gone, the grass will be brown and the animals will be extinct. Well what now telus, what now!

Personally I don't believe in the whole 2012 theory, but i do believe that the world will not be the same. Can you imagine the type of cars we will be driving in about 10 or 20 years. Or even the television. We think having the new mac book pro is cool and very high-tech but by the time my kids get laptops there going to be as small and thin as a credit card, faster that you could even imagine and be 3-D. Well all of that stuff is going to be great but before all that new technology comes out we are going to have to go through some tough times. A little some thing called global worming.

The Arctic warming up, glaciers melting, and intense heat waves covering the globe. That is global warming. Im sure that you have heard of global warming because it all over the news but if we don't react fast enough the world could be a hole other place. In my mind we can use the new technology to our advantage. Like maby we can have a machine that sucks up all the air and cleans it, or maby we can make cars that run off water. there is thousands of possible ways to help our earth but we just are not taking action. It all comes back to Gandhi famous quote- "Be the change you want to see in the world.'' I think that is the best quote because it is telling you that if you do a certain action to change the world maybe your action will grow and actually change the world forever. Well i guess telus is wrong, the future is defiantly not friendly. Thank you.

By Alex Craig

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Environmentally Friendly Healthcare

In 1922 Canadian Scientist, Sir Frederic Grant Banting, was the first person to isolate insulin. Insulin is used in the body to allow your cells to use the sugar you consume for energy. Insulin is made in the body in an organ called the Pancreas. Those people whose body has killed the pancreas have diabetes, and they must get artificial insulin from injections.

Banting found a way to isolate insulin. He could also produce it in small amounts for clinical trials. Up to 1980 all insulin was taken from pigs and cattle. This had an effect on the environment. We all know that cows and pigs produce a lot of methane that enters into our atmosphere and then contributes to global warming. To get the insulin from theses animals they would also have to provide everything for them including water, food, and shelter. Another way to produce insulin is to make human insulin. Scientists can transfer human DNA into things such as bacteria or yeast. This process uses a lot of chemicals, and is also harmful to the environment.

Since them science has come a long way, and is now even more environmentally friendly. In Calgary it was found that you could produce insulin from the safflower. Canadian scientist genetically engineered the human gene for insulin into the common safflower plant. This is the most cost effective way of producing insulin, and it is also good for the environment because as we know plants take CO2 in and put out oxygen. Only 25 square miles would be all we need to produce enough insulin for the diabetic population of the world. The production of insulin has just gotten a whole lot greener.

Monday, May 17, 2010

5 great ways to help our enviroment!

As many people know, Global worming is damaging our Earth and environment. So I think it would be really great if people could take in these idea's and use them in daily life!

1) Change your kitchen habits- You should always use reusable containers for food storage, or in lunch bags, instead of plastic rap or tin foil! You can also use up old rags to clean your mess instead of paper towels.

2) Shopping bags- We all know that plastic bags are not biodegradable, well they at least don't decompose probaly. So we should all be using the Eco friendly bags for when we go shopping! If every one switches and starts using these bags, it will help our environmental issues by a lot.

3) Stop junk mail- The junk mail that Americans receive in just one day is an incredible amount! It could produce enough energy to heat up a quarter of a million homes! Which is terrible! There are some people who you can write to, that can make junk mail reduce by 75%.

4)Clothes- You can all ways make new clothes by the ones you already have. If you are about to throw them out, you should stop and think about what else is a possibility. Maybe you could hand them down, maybe to a younger sibling o friend!

5) Tires- Every two weeks, Americans wear out nearly 50 millin pounds of rubber off there tires. To stop this you can inflate your tires more.


Sunday, May 16, 2010



Do you have any old pieces of technology lying around at home? If you do bring it to the E-waste department near you.

What is E- waste some people ask? Well E-waste is types of technology that can be recycled. For example if you have a phone that still works at home but you don’t use it, you can take it into an E-waste department. They will fix the phone, order new parts if needed, erase the memory on the phone and then ship it back to the store so it can be reused again. If it doesn’t work, then they will recycle the phone for you. They will also recycle TV, computers, printers, printer cartridges and any other technology you have.

E-waste impacts the environment by releasing harmful toxins into the soil by sitting in the dump. Also the chemicals can affect the food in wildlife. According EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) more than 4.6 million tons of E-waste goes to landfills each year. There are several health issues which arise from E-waste and the toxins given off by technology. Studies say that computer monitors contain 6.3% lead. That can release into the atmosphere and the soil and surfaces can absorb the lead. When the lead enter the human body it can damage your brain and nerve system.

Next time you need to throw out your computers think twice, and go to the E-waste department near you.

This was posted by Hayley

10 Teriffc Environmental Facts

As many people know, our environment is in a lot of danger because of the amount of polution we are putting into the air. Here are ten interesting facts about our environment.

1 Over 40% of all tropical forests have been destroyed and another acre is lost each second.

2 As many as 70,000 people nationwide may die prematurely from heart and lung disease aggravated by particulate air pollution.

3 Raw sewage, poison runoff and other pollution have caused 8,000 beach closures or advisories over the past five years.

4 More than 100 million Americans live in urban areas where the air is officially classified by the EPA as unsafe to breathe.

5 The annual catch in 13 of the world's 15 major fishing zones has declined and in four of those - three in the Atlantic and one in the Pacific oceans - the catch has shrunk by a startling 30%.

6 In many urban areas, children are steadily exposed to high levels of pollutants, increasing the risk of chronic lung disease, cell damage and respiratory illness.

7 The United States is responsible for almost 25% of the world's total energy consumption. We use one million gallons of oil every two minutes.

8 As of 1994, 1.7 million American children, ages one to five, suffered from lead poisoning.

9 As of 1994, 1.7 million American children, ages one to five, suffered from lead poisoning.

10 Mining companies are allowed to buy our public lands for less than five dollars an acre - any they pay no royalties on the gold and other minerals they extract. This taxpayer giveaway, combined with the cost of massive environmental damage and cleanup, amounts to a billion dollars every year.

I hope you enjoyed these interesting environmental facts.


By: Tommy L