Thursday, May 27, 2010

F Is For The Future

Every time I see that telus commercial It tells me that the future is friendly, but i think to my self that that is wrong. In my mind the future is going to be a dark grubby place with gray smog covering the sky. No air to breath and defiantly no wild life. By that time the trees will be gone, the grass will be brown and the animals will be extinct. Well what now telus, what now!

Personally I don't believe in the whole 2012 theory, but i do believe that the world will not be the same. Can you imagine the type of cars we will be driving in about 10 or 20 years. Or even the television. We think having the new mac book pro is cool and very high-tech but by the time my kids get laptops there going to be as small and thin as a credit card, faster that you could even imagine and be 3-D. Well all of that stuff is going to be great but before all that new technology comes out we are going to have to go through some tough times. A little some thing called global worming.

The Arctic warming up, glaciers melting, and intense heat waves covering the globe. That is global warming. Im sure that you have heard of global warming because it all over the news but if we don't react fast enough the world could be a hole other place. In my mind we can use the new technology to our advantage. Like maby we can have a machine that sucks up all the air and cleans it, or maby we can make cars that run off water. there is thousands of possible ways to help our earth but we just are not taking action. It all comes back to Gandhi famous quote- "Be the change you want to see in the world.'' I think that is the best quote because it is telling you that if you do a certain action to change the world maybe your action will grow and actually change the world forever. Well i guess telus is wrong, the future is defiantly not friendly. Thank you.

By Alex Craig

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