Tuesday, April 20, 2010

20 practical ways to help the environment

1. Prevent energy leaks at home.
2.Lower your thermostat.
3.Switch your light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs.
4.Use a low-flow shower head.
5.Compost or use a Green bin.
6.Use a drip irrigation system in your garden, so you don't have to use the hose.
7.Plant trees in your yard and community.
8.Go "mostly organic" in your garden.
9.Use a reel or electric lawnmower.
10.Replace your single paned windows with double paned windows.
11.Turn off lights and electronic devices when they are not in use.
12.Fix water leaks in your kitchen and bathroom.
13.Switch to a low flow toilet.
14.Use ceiling fans to cool off in the summer.
15.Dry your clothes outside instead of using a dryer.
16.Invest in solar panels.
17.Rethink transportation.
18.Use small efficient devices to cook food.
19.Use native plants in your garden.
20.Get involved locally.

I got my information from: Practicalenvironmentalist.com

By Tyler

1 comment:

  1. Very good post Tyler

    Thanks for putting your name
