Saturday, April 24, 2010

How You Can Create Less Trash

1. Think about whether you really need the item before you buy it.

2. Buy in bulk from loose bins when possible to create less garbage. You can get bulk food at your grocery store.

3. Avoid products that have a lot of packaging, when you don't need that much. About 33% of what we throw away is packaging.

4. Buy products that you can use over and over again

5. Maintain and repair products instead of buying brand new ones

6. Reuse cloth bags and containers when you can.

7. Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins

8. Use reusable plates and utensils instead of not reusable ones

9. Use reusable containers instead of plastic wrap and tin foil

10. Use cloth bags instead of plastic or paper bags

11. Buy rechargeable batteries for devices that are used more than others

12. Reuse packaging boxes and shipping materials

13. Compost your fruit and vegetable scraps

14. Buy used furniture, instead of buying brand new furniture

I got this information from 100 ways to save the environment.

By Jamie

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