Saturday, April 24, 2010

Go Green

Green, be greener, go green. As global warming becomes a greater concern for us we hear these words everyday! Whether its coming from your radio, TV or just at school people everywhere are being told to "go green". But how do we "go green"? How do we save our environment? I mean how can one person save an entire planet???? Well one person alone can't save our planet but one person can help. And think about it if all 6 billion of us helped then maybe we could save our planet!!!

So here are some easy things that you can do to help, and you never know if you start to help maybe the people around you will follow your example and help too!

  • STOP JUNK MAIL!!! -did you know that if you were to save all the junk mail that you find in your mailbox everyday for one year you would have the equivalent of one and a half trees!! You can stop junk mail by writing to: Mail Preference Service Direct Marketing Association of Canada 1 Concord Gate, Suite 607 Don Mills, Ontario M3C 3N6

  • RECHARGE YOUR BATTERIES!!!- batteries contain heavy metals such as mercury and cadmium if your batteries end up in landfills these harmful heavy metals are released into the air. Did you know that the average annual use of mercury in batteries is over what the government limits in landfills by four times! You can buy rechargeable batteries or recycle your alkaline batteries, they can reuse the mercury and cadmium.

  • BEWARE OF YOUR SHOWER!!- if a four person family showered for five minutes each day over one week they would use 700 gallons of water!! This would be enough water for a person to live off of for three years!!! If that same four person family had a low-flow shower head installed they would save over 14,000 gallons of water every year!

Now you know what you can do to help!! Go green and help save our planet, its the only place that we have to live!!!

I got my information from: and

By: Rowena

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