Monday, April 19, 2010


GREENTEC is an organization that disposes your electronics safely. Here are some things GREENTEC can do with your electronics: they can recover the remaining value of your end-of-life IT equipment. They also sell recycling boxes (boxes where you put recyclable electronics to be recycled). Their core competencies are acquisition, qualification, disposition, and/or recycling. They recycle ink cartridges and cell phones, and they give some money back to the people that gave them the electronics. A great program they have is that for every 24 products they collect from someone, they plant a tree in their name. Some of you may have read in the Friday File that on Monday, April 26, GREENTEC has kindly offered to bring in an e-waste bin so we can drop off our old electronics. When it gets full, someone will take it back to GREENTEC so the electronics can be recycled. The e-waste bin will be in the back parking lot, near the middle school. Please help the environment and dispose your electronics properly. If you want to find out more information about GREENTEC, visit their web site at

By Erika

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