Friday, May 14, 2010

E is for Endangered Species

Endangered species. I know, I know. Everyone is always talking about this but nothing seems to be happening. But today, I am going to tell you a little about endangered species, then what I would like to do about it.

There are many endangered species in the world. A few examples are, Amur leopards, snow leopards, elephants, over 1 third of bug and amphibian species and more. All of our animals are going extinct because of us. Humans. Our pollution, and habitat misuse are all reasons animals are going extinct. Even global warming is our doing. The reason that polar bears are going extinct? Yeah, I know. This is the same stuff everyone else says but no one does anything anyway. Now though I will tell you about what I want to do. (Not that it is guaranteed to happen!!)

I would like to start a campaign to raise money to help endangered species. The money would be given to an organization like the WWF. (World Wildlife Foundation.) The money raised would be used to fund research to prevent animals from becoming endanger and going extinct. Another idea that I had was to "adopt" an animal. So every month or so, I would send some money to "my" animal. That money would be used to help feed and care for it. The animal that would be my first choice to sponsor would probable be the Amur leopard. Did you know that there are approximately 40 wild Amur leopards left?! (The picture is of an Amur Leopard.)
Amur Leopards have also been reported to leap more than 19 feet horizontally and 9 feet vertically!!! WOW!!!
For more information on the Amur leopard and other endangered species, go to

Right now, as you read this, a species is going extinct and dying. Do something about it. Don't just continue life as if nothing is dying because of us. Do something and help nature out.

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