Saturday, May 15, 2010

What my family does to help the environment

In twenty years from now, I shudder to think what the world will look like at this rate. Flying cars will cause permanent fogginess, robot waiters will cause less plants. Less plants will cause less animals. Less animals will cause no food. No food will cause us to starve. If we starve, we will have to make more factories so we can make artificial food. What would happen to our health if we reach that point?

My family is trying really hard to help the environment. I am going to share some of the things that we do and how it can help.

1) Turning all the lights off when we leave the room or the house. If we leave the lights on, the energy stops burning. A bright incandescent bulb burns 100 watts. If we turn the lights on and off and on and off, we keep wasting 100 watts. If we just turned the light off when we don't need it, there's no wasting watts. If it were to burn five minutes worth of extra electricity each time it is switched on, it would burn one hundred watts, times five minutes, times sixty seconds. Basically we are using thirty thousand watts in the one second it was turned on.

2) Our family (having four girls) uses way too much water for our showers, especially considering we have a pool. So we decided to put timers in each bathroom to limit our shower time. Five minutes is the maximum time aloud. Since the world is starting to run short on water, it's bad to waste it on hot water, while we can easily use cold, medium, or 3 minute showers.

3) Buy organic/natural foods. We know how bad it is when we eat food with chemicals in it. Not only does it ruin the plants or vegetables, but it kills animals that eat the veggies. What does it hurt to use a scare-crow for once? It works exactly the same.

4) Use the computer for word documents that don't need to be printed. Yes, it hurts the environment to use the computer, but if you do it quickly, it uses less energy. That way, we don't need to use paper for a little list or plan for the day. For grocery lists, you can also use your phone.

These are just barely a start to help the environment, and doesn't make a HUGE impact because it's just our family, but if the whole world, or at least the country did all of that, imagine how much that would help. Spread the word, help the environment.

Posted by Emilie R.

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