Friday, May 14, 2010

When I went to Beijing two years ago, all I could see in the air was grey, humid, stinky smog. do we as Canadians want this to happen to us? Of course not! Then why is our future pointing straight for it? The answer is because we don't care enough. Sure there are people writing blogs about doing stuff, but are they themselves actually going to do it? Is everybody really going to turn off their light all the time? Well, some people will. Most people won't.

The main problem is that people don't want to give up their little habits of having the lights on all the time and turning the temperature on so high that you can wear your shorts and make it feel like summer when it's actually winter. Things like that are the little differences that make the global temperature rise.

So what is it that we have to do? We have to give up these stupid habits. Now. Not tomorrow because tomorrow will become today and nobody wants to do anything today. Now. Now or never.

There are also a lot of extra things you can do to make sure that we, and generations after us will be able to live on this planet. You could for example plant an organic garden. This is probably the most useful thing you could do at a time like this. With the economy sinking lower and lower it would cost less if you grew your own lettuce and tomatoes for your sandwiches and salads. A garden also promotes healthy eating by seeing all the delicious things growing from the ground. It also gives you a sense of pride. To know that you yourself are eating something that you have grown and knowing that you are saving all that energy of driving your car to the grocery store which has its own gigantic carbon footprint. That is why you must have a garden.

Another thing we should do is stop throwing things in the Great Lakes. Raw sewage is being dumped carelessly into Lake Ontario like they'll never see it again. Well, when we finally dump so much stuff in, you'll see it alright, and smell it too. That is when people will stop. Only when they can see it with their naked eye. That is right about when we will have to resort to desperate measures because we ignored the chance we have now and completely ruined any chance of ever being able to live on this Earth again and we'll all have to live on the moon. Which doesnt seem like a great idea to me.

So what will we end up as? Who knows the answer? Not me thats for certain.

Posted by Darcy

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