Sunday, April 25, 2010

20 Facts About the Environment

Here are 20 surprising facts about the environment:

1. Hybrid cars- If you were thinking about buying a hybrid car, think again. According to scientists from the University of Chicago, you would help the environment more if you go vegan than if you buy an eco-friendly car.

2. Water pollution- What do you think is the #1 source of water pollution? If you were thinking chemicals, you're wrong. The biggest source of water pollution is actually the waste from farm animals.

3. Marine animals- Studies have shown that 70% of the world;s marine animals are at risk of extinction.

4. Wasting water- You could save more water if you didn't eat a pound of California beef than if you didn't shower for a whole year.

5. Wasting food- Many people cannot afford to buy fruits and vegetables, so the government spends thousands of dollars to get rid of them. While this happens,
40,000 children die every day due to starvation.

6. Methane emissions- Animals raised for food create 15-20% of the methane emissions the world produces every year.

7. Fossil fuels- Fossil fuels are being consumed 100,000 times faster than they are being formed.

8. Resources- By the time a Canadian is 6 months old, they would have used more resources than someone in a developing country would have used in their life.

9. Idling- Just 10 seconds of idling your car uses more energy than to just to restart your car.

10. Paper- Every tonne of recycled office paper saves 380 gallons of oil. 50 million tonnes of paper are consumed every year by Americans- that's more than 850 million trees being cut down.

11. Faucets- A single dripping hot water faucet can waste 212 gallons of water a month. That not only increases water bills, but also increases the gas or electric bill for heating the water.

12. Extinction- By the year 2100, a third of all animals living now will become extinct. Not only will the animals be gone, but ingredients to many medicine will be gone as well.

13. Forests- More than half of the world’s tropical forests have been lost. Each year, over 63,000 square miles are destroyed.

14. Recycle- It takes over 450 years for 1 plastic bottle to degrade, so recycle it! For every tonne of paper you recycle, you save 17 trees.

15. Computers- Laptop computers consume up to 90 percent less energy than standard desktop computers.

16. Food- Twenty-seven percent of all food produced in North America is wasted.

17. Plastic bags- Currently, Canadians take home over 55 million plastic shopping bags every week.

18. Cleaners- Canadians use approximately 54,000 tonnes of household cleaners annually.

19. Oil- One litre of oil can contaminate a million litres of ground water.

20. Aluminum cans- The energy saved from recycling 1 aluminum can is enough to power a TV for 3 hours.

I got my information from Green Expander, Stonyfield Farm, and Thinkquest.

By Erika

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