Monday, April 26, 2010


Imagine if instead of seeing gas stations every second while looking out the window, you saw green fields filled with wind turbines, and solar panels covering every buildings roof. That could happen if the world decided to use greener energy sources, instead of our current way of using fossil fuels. There are three main types of achieving this goal of a greener planet without the use of fossil fuels. The ways are using these types of energy are solar panels, dams, and wind turbines.
Solar panels ( also known as photovoltaic cells ) make renewable energy using the sun, and is very environmentally clean. They are mostly made of cystalline silicon and gallium arsenide, which is only used in solar panels. In the best conditions possible for a solar panel ( on the equator, sunny day, and it is brand new ) if the solar panel has diameter that is about 1.5 meters it creates a 2 amp current at around 2 volts. The best thing about solar panels is that they use the suns rays, which keeps on coming and the amount can not run out, they will never run out of the fuel to make their energy.
Dams are man-made structure that are built across rivers. Even though the majority of them them are used for flood prevention and to control the river's flow, lots are used to produce hydroelectric power. The energy is created when the water passes through the dam. So the more water that goes through, the more energy is created. Dams are usually huge, and the biggest one ( located in, Tadzikistan, Asia ) is 300 meters tall! ( around 984 feet ).
Wind turbines create the wind into kinetic energy. The first machines that used wind as a way to get energy was around 200 BC in Persia! Wind Farms are where many wind turbines are kept together. They usually have 3 points, and they can reach a speed of over 320 kilometers per hour! They have the highest efficiency of any the sources here.
I think that if the world replaced coal with hydroelectric energy and gas with wind energy the word would be a better place. I don't see many reasons why the world can't change there ways, and use greener energies.

I used the following websites:

Posted By Michael O

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