Saturday, April 17, 2010


For the last little while, the desire to help the environment has increased. An easy way to help the environment would be by recycling! Many towns and cities are making it a requirement rather than an option. Also, they are running out of places to put garbage, so if we all recycle this could start to help this problem. And even seeing something new coming from things we have already have used, may be a nice thing to see, and it's better for the environment.

We could do things like using reusable bags, and we could have compost bins! Just little things like this could help the environment!

Here are some facts about recycling!

In a life time, the average North American will throw away 600 times his or her adult weight in garbage. This means thateach adult will have a legacy of 90,000 lbs. of trash for his or her children.

You can make 20 cans out of recycled material with the same amount of energy it takes to make one new one.

Enough aluminum is thrown away to rebuild our commercial air fleet 4 times every year.

A glass bottle can take as long as 4,000 years to decompose.

9 out 0f 10 people would recycle if it were made easier.

I got my environmental facts from:


Emelie F

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