Sunday, April 25, 2010


Deforestation is when Earth's trees are cleared at a massive amount, because of deforestation our rain forests could be completely demolished in 100 years.

most forests are cut down for money or so people can provide for their families.
Normally it is farmers who cut down forests so they can expand their farm, to do this the farmer will cut down part of the forest and then burn it.

Deforestation has a very bad impact on the enviroment, it kills many scpecies. Seventy percent of the worlds land animals live in rain forests and if we keep destroying the forests they will all die. Deforestation also is a major producer of climate change. Without shade from the trees the ground dries up, trees also help in the water cycle.

Without trees they also can't absorb any of the green house gasses, or CO2, this also polluting.

A solution to all this would to manage clear cutting smartly, so the forests stay intact.

by Liam

I got my information from

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