Monday, April 19, 2010

Environmeantally friendly and fun.....gardening!

For environment day, the gardening group is doing something environmentally friendly and fun. We are making a garden with many flowers, pumpkins, and more. We have talked with Mr. Spackman and Mr. Southward about the issues, so we havent figured out where this garden is going, but we have a few ideas. Our main spot is where everyone will see it, we can get to it easily, and it has the sun and other environmental opportunities to grow faster. We are thinking behind the chapel. To include our younger lower school students in this garden, we will let them find rocks, then they can paint them (with environmentally friendly paint)as their own pet rocks. If students dont want to get messy with paints, they can participate in making the "pet rock houses" and the "wind chimes". The houses are made with just rocks and sticks and other fun nature items to decorate them. The wind chimes are made with sticks glued together, strings hanging down, then attaching the rocks to the strings. All these things will make our garden look fun, environmentally friendly, and fantastic. All the kids can look at it and say that they made it too.

Apart from all the gardening, here are some tips to help our environment and all the earth together:

Turn off the lights after leaving a room

Have showers, not baths

Use bamboo products, not paper

Reduce, reuse, and recycle

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